How to convert a family recipe into a retail product.

admin Press

1st July 2021 in Food And Drink Network

Many people have a treasured family recipe, or perhaps a dish inspired by something tasted on holiday, that they believe will take the food and drinks market by storm. However most home-prepared recipes cant simply be moved from the kitchen to the factory

Wake up your customers to a new day

admin Press

1st July 2021 in The Brewers Journal

It was the question everyone was afraid to ask Last year. haw many breweries were going to close? In the States. 45 percent was the believed number. which was close to the same number being mooted around here.

Food & Drink Technology July/August 2021

admin Press

July 2021 in Food and Drink Technology July/August 2021

Richard Horwell is the managing director of Branding Innovations, a food and drink specialist consultancy that focuses on development, branding and marketing. Prior to setting up Branding Innovations in 2007

How to develop your own food & drink brand

admin Press

1st July 2021 on Wealth Tribune

So many entrepreneurs look at the range of products in the Supermarkets or stores and say to themselves ‘I can do better than that!’. When I was growing up, all my classmates wanted to work for a Bank or the Public Service as it was a safe secure job; these days everyone wants to be their own boss.